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Credits and Copyright


This and This Restaurant & Bar is a business of Bethico Co., Ltd. registered in Thailand.


Concept, Design, Database structure, Website logic and coding. Integration into the Joomla! framework. Data entry, testing, and maintenance. By Bernard Condrau.
Translations: German (Bernard Condrau), Thai (Thinnakorn Banmoo, Lalitta Intason, Bernard Condrau)

2010 - 2024 Bethico & Bernard Condrau. All Rights Reserved.
Design, database structure, all source files, stylesheets, configuration files, and documentation (all this = “the works”) are the sole intellectual property of Bernard Condrau (“the author”).

2005 - 2024 Open Source Matters, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Joomla! framework, external components and modules, other than the Bethico's specific code, are licensed under the respective license agreements, mostly under GPL Version 3.0.

Other copyrights

2004 - 2024 DokuWiki & Andreas Gohr. Help and Legal documents server based on DokuWiki, also inspired our Privacy Policy.

Bethico Version
Version Change Log
Modified 10 July 2024, 14:57:31


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